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ROUTE 66 SDN BHD (Malaysia)

Company Name ROUTE 66 SDN BHD
Company Registration No. 0859561T / 200901016468
Date of Registration 2009-06-04
State -


ROUTE 66 SDN BHD was incorporated on 2009-06-04 in Malaysia with registration number of 0859561T / 200901016468. ROUTE 66 SDN BHD's business includes COMMUNICATION SERVICES

Get an accurate picture of a customer's financial status with a credit report for a business. Our solutions help you minimise risk, increase sales and improve business performance.

Company/Business Profile Report
(exclude SST)
RM90.72 inclusive SST
  • Latest Corporate Profile From SSM
  • Directors & Shareholders
  • Financial Highlights
This report available for download immediately upon purchase.
CTOS CBPR Plus Report
Company/Business Profile Report Plus
(exclude SST)
RM223.56 inclusive SST
  • Latest Corporate Profile From SSM
  • Directors & Shareholders
  • Financial Highlights
  • CTOS SME Score*
  • CCRIS Information*
  • Litigation*
  • Trade Reference*
  • 5 Directors Score Report*
This report requires consent. Get Consent form.
This report available for download within 3 working days upon consent submission.
CTOS Basis Report
CTOS Basis Credit Report
(exclude SST)
RM305.64 inclusive SST
  • Latest Corporate Profile From SSM
  • Directors & Shareholders
  • Financial Statement & Analysis
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Credit Rating
  • Credit Score
  • Default Rate
  • Proposed Credit Limit
  • Litigation*
  • Defaulter Check Against Subject*
  • Phone & Address Validation
  • Biz Activity Validation
  • Industry Outlook & Analysis
  • Credit Risk Evaluation & Recommendation
This report is fulfilled by CTOS Basis (a sister company of CTOS). A representative from CTOS Basis will contact you to complete consent documentation.
This report will be fulfilled within 5 working days.
By ordering this report, you agree to the Terms & Conditions
*Important:Consent from data subject is compulsory to obtain subject's CCRIS, Litigation and Trade Reference details. Applicable for Company/Business Profile Report Plus & CTOS Basis Credit Report.
Company/Business Profile Report Plus contain the details of up to 5 directors. Additional directors can be added upon request with a top-up of RM51 each, exclude SST (RM55.08 inclusive SST).
Our customer service officer will contact you to collect the consent form. Your reports will be ready within one(1) to five(5) working days upon submission of company/business consent
Note:Financial Highlights information is subject to availability and is not available for Business Constitution.

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minimise risk, increase sales and improve business performance.